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It’s nearly bed time here in the UK and just before I turn in (and while I wait for a quiet moment to reboot one of our servers) I thought I should pen a quick update as it’s been some time since I last posted here.

Since winning the Technical Innovation Award at the Radio Festival a few months ago I’ve barely stopped to catch breath.  I was determined to have ipDTL ready to launch during the week of the festival and we achieved that.  I’ve barely stepped away from my computer since then.

It’s been great to hear from interested parties from all over the world and from different sectors of the media.  We’ve had loads of suggestions for new features or tweaks to make ipDTL fit a number of scenarios.

The biggest interest in ipDTL so far has been from voice-over artists and production houses.  It’s worth noting that it wasn’t designed with this in mind so for now it’s necessary to ‘lend’ one of your two logins to the other party.  We’re working on an upgrade which will allow you to search and connect for any other paid user.  This will be released in the new year.

I’ve had a few comments about the clarity of information on the websites and I appreciate that it’s perhaps a little confusing for a first-time visitor.  Our core business of providing facilities for live radio contributions is the main focus of this website and some visitors have got confused between this and ipDTL.

The thing that I hear most is that people find it hard to believe that it’s really only one annual payment for unlimited use.  “Do I have to pay per session” they say. No!

Look out for some simple tweaks to both websites in the coming days and weeks and please remember that the functionality you’re looking for is probably already a work in progress.

I’m very happy to hear from anybody with suggestions or feedback but please do bear in mind that right now our priority is on ensuring a fully resilient product and simplifying sign-up and account servicing.

The best way to support the ongoing development is to purchase a subscription as much of the revenue will be ploughed straight back into making the product something that can be trusted and relied upon as a true replacement for ISDN, plus extra benefits.